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Giới thiệu: GototheGoldenCity:AnEnglishGrammarBookSummary,isanextensiveyetconciseguidetoEnglishlanguagegrammar.Thebookpresentsanorganized, logicapproachtounderstandingtheintricaciesofEnglishgrammar,makingitanidealresourceforstudents,teachers,andlanguageenthusiastsalike. Inthisarticle,wewilldelveintothekeyfeaturesandcontentofthisvaluablebook,providingacomprehensivesummaryinChinese. Chương 1: TheGoldenCityandItsResident ThebookbeginswithanintroductiontotheGoldenCity,asymbolofknowledgeandlearning. Eachchapterwithinthisbookisrepresentedasacityblock,filledwithknowledgeandinsightsaboutdifferentaspectsofEnglishgrammar.Thefirstchapterintroducesthemaincharactersor” resident”oftheGoldenCity,suchasnouns,động từ,tính từ,andsoon. Chương 2:Xây dựngNền tảng:BasicGrammarRules Chapter2focusesonthefundamentalrulesofgrammarthatserveasthefoundationforadvancedlanguagelearning.Thissectionincludessubjectslikepartsofspeech,sentencestructure, ...

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